Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So I was poking around online, looking for a great guide to Hoboken restaurants, stores and night life and I found nothing.  I love trying new places, spending my days poking around little boutiques, experimenting with new restaurants and finding great places to go with friends at night, so I decided that I would start writing reviews of the places that I try.  Hopefully over the next few months/years I can share some of my favorite spots (and those to avoid) so that others can take advantage and experience the best of Hoboken.  

Because I am new in town (moved here in May) I am just getting started, but definitely have begun to get the basics.  If you have any suggestions for me, please share them.  I am always excited about a good recommendation.  

I am headed to the Hamptons this weekend but hopefully next week I can begin writing some reviews and getting this project underway.  Until then, Happy 4th of July!!

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